Jean Daniel Cadinot

23 Filme | Französisch

Alle Filme von Jean Daniel Cadinot

Do you remember how we used to cruise and fuck before the Internet and App era ? At that time we...

Idées de Rêves

Mit: Sebastien Lost, David Bauman, Damien Carrey, Adrian Vassiliu

Do you remember how we used to cruise and fuck before the Internet and App era ? At that time we used to wear faded jeans and black leather jacket. We use to wait in Train station and stare at guys for hours, before daring to exchange a few words, "Do you know a place to got ? !!!". Filmed in the early 90s, Jean Daniel Cadinot directs for our greatest pleasure, under the nickname "Yes Duras", 5 breathtaking scenes of pure sex. He gathers for this film, 9 fabulous guys including David Bauman, Sebastien Lost, Damien Carrey and Adrian Vassiliu. They lick, kiss and fuck each other in a succession of poetic, charming and incredibly sexy movie shots : a duet in the waiting room of a train station ; an orgy with 4 studs sitting on a moiré sofa; ultra tight jean shorts fitting session skidding into wild sex in an attic! Many thanks to Cadinot for this great moment !

Idées de Rêves Idées de Rêves Idées de Rêves Idées de Rêves Idées de Rêves Idées de Rêves
Au Musée Hom, quels sont les réels chefs d’œuvres ? Les hommes-statues ou les jeunes visiteurs...

Musée Hom

Mit: Florent Mareuil, Vincent Jammet, Sami Cheikib, Claudio Rosso, Yann Fellec, Patrick Ferniot, Giuseppe Velli, Lucien Lebrun, Alexandre Parrys, David Bauman

Au Musée Hom, quels sont les réels chefs d’œuvres ? Les hommes-statues ou les jeunes visiteurs curieux ? Il accompagne sa maman mais s'intéresse surtout au jeune soldat immobile en faction. L'étudiant aux Beaux Arts détecte un faux mais tombe sur un vrai os avec le gardien chef. Le soir, les touristes partis, Adonis, Antinous et Apollons ont-ils une vie secrète ? Jeunes hommes de Grèce et de la Rome antique, les pulsions naturelles à leurs mœurs viriles animent-elles encore leurs corps de marbre ?

Musée Hom Musée Hom Musée Hom Musée Hom Musée Hom Musée Hom
Un savant fou construit une machine à lire dans les rêves. Profitant de son absence du...

L'expérience inédite

Mit: Gilles Barthelemy, Friedrich Saxe, Christian Declerque, Claude Millau, David Bauman, Léopold Mathias, Eric Vespucci, Giani Ascoli, Damien Carrey

Un savant fou construit une machine à lire dans les rêves. Profitant de son absence du laboratoire, ses assistants testent son invention. Elle va révéler leurs fantasmes les plus intimes et les plus débridés : de l'amour innocent entre hommes jusqu'à la montée au paradis du plaisir, en passant par le sexe cru et bestial ! Avec sa réalisation époustouflante et ses acteurs qui se donnent à fond, cette plongée dans l'inconscient est une expérience à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte. Un grand Cadinot !

L'expérience inédite L'expérience inédite L'expérience inédite L'expérience inédite L'expérience inédite L'expérience inédite
Adrian procure de petits boulots précaires à de jeunes mecs qui ont soif de vivre. Malgré un...

Désirs Volés

Mit: Yan Vanneck, Gilles Fournier

Adrian procure de petits boulots précaires à de jeunes mecs qui ont soif de vivre. Malgré un avenir incertain et un présent parfois morose, tout est prétexte à faire la fête. À l'occasion d'un anniversaire, Adrian offre en cadeau Karl à six jeunes loups affamés qui vont se rassasier. Avec leurs gueules d'ange et leurs vingt ans, ces débutants s'avèrent aussi de redoutables vendeurs. La vente à domicile se transforme souvent en terrain de chasse sans complexe, ou tout s'échange et tout se vend. À commencer par la plaisir, consommé sur place de préférence. Une sexualité débridée. Une vitalité débordante. Un cinéma vérité incisif et inoubliable.

Désirs Volés Désirs Volés Désirs Volés Désirs Volés Désirs Volés Désirs Volés
Das Abenteuer, das er diesen Sommer erlebte, war wirklich merkwürdig. Er reiste in seinen kurzen...

Stop Überraschung

Mit: Philippe Darmont, Serge Laurent, David di Lorenzo, Jacques de Rives, Sydney Mckenna, Luigi di Como

Das Abenteuer, das er diesen Sommer erlebte, war wirklich merkwürdig. Er reiste in seinen kurzen Shorts als Anhalter, seine Schultern kaum durch ein rotes Tank Top bedeckt. Ein Rolly Royce mit Chauffeur hält an! Und auf einmal sitzt er zwischen zwei Ölsch

Stop Überraschung Stop Überraschung Stop Überraschung Stop Überraschung Stop Überraschung Stop Überraschung
Wer flüchtet sich nicht in einen grenzenlosen Traum, während man durch ansprechende...


Mit: Gilles Barthelemy, Henri Marnier, Manuel Alveiro, Elyes Ardini, Noël Couderc, Manuel Koskas, Roger Mcintire, Luis Rio, Gilles Carrey, Diego San Paolo, Lucien Lebrun, Alexandre Parrys, David Bauman, Eric Vespucci, Damien Carrey, Adrian Vassiliu, Yvon Leduc

Wer flüchtet sich nicht in einen grenzenlosen Traum, während man durch ansprechende Reisekataloge blättert? Roger ist sehr von Mexiko angetan. Mit den langen, offenen Stränden am Pazifischen Ozean mit Blumen- und Gewürzmärkten, und der tiefen blauen Lagun

Tequila Tequila Tequila Tequila Tequila Tequila
Zusammenfassung: Ihr alle mögt es, heiße, sexy Männer in Magazinen zu bewundern. Aber was wäre,...

Eifersüchtige Liebe

Mit: Hank Reisner, Jacques Auvray, Djaî Kamara, Ralf Koeln, Pascal de Leiris, Frank Getty, Julien Valmont, Sven Fischer, Sven Kramer, Jacky Rustti, Christophe Bertrand

Zusammenfassung: Ihr alle mögt es, heiße, sexy Männer in Magazinen zu bewundern. Aber was wäre, wenn dein Loverboy sich tausenden lüsternen Zuschauern zeigen würde? Wie würdest du reagieren? Eifersüchtig, stolz? Hank Reisner, der einsame Held von Jungs am

Eifersüchtige Liebe Eifersüchtige Liebe Eifersüchtige Liebe Eifersüchtige Liebe Eifersüchtige Liebe Eifersüchtige Liebe
De salons en chambres, neuf clients vont se payer du bon temps avec les cinq pensionnaires,...

La maison bleue

Mit: Friedrich Saxe, Lucien Lebrun, Jacques Auvray, David Bauman, Yadranko Wasa, Franz Weber, Rémi Gallois, Piotr Kooz, Gilles Montpeyroux, Olivier Quayrol, Bertrand Roubaud, Bruno Verlac, Samuel Vitrac, Frantz Zeiller

De salons en chambres, neuf clients vont se payer du bon temps avec les cinq pensionnaires, experts en plaisirs virils et raffinés, de la Maison Bleue.

La maison bleue La maison bleue La maison bleue La maison bleue La maison bleue La maison bleue
Vivre un bel amour avec un ami est notre rêve à  tous. Travailler avec ses semblables dans le...

Full Exposure

Mit: Joël Duvernay, Guy Charrier, Carlos San Paolo, Alain AUbert, Sergio Alba, Nicolas Vanelli, Jean Marc Lecee, Franck Romi, Max de France, Edwin Van Gastel, Jose Cristo, Nordine Taar, Franck Friedrich, Kurt Sommer, Sven Fisher, Ralf Koeln, Abdel Sharif

Vivre un bel amour avec un ami est notre rêve à  tous. Travailler avec ses semblables dans le milieu "gay" est aussi notre rêve. Les deux sont-ils compatibles? Face aux tentations multiples, le couple est-il solide? Ce n'est pas évident pour ce photographe qui délire sur ses modèles très désirables qu'il sublime, les rendant encore plus beaux par la magie de sa caméra. Les sollicitations quotidiennes de superbes mecs sont-elles la véritable cause d'une rupture? Lorsqu'une histoire d'amour s'épuise la faute est toujours rejetée sur l'autre. La rupture accomplie, Il redevient chasseur; il erre à  nouveau la nuit dans les lieux chauds de Paris. Pourquoi cette quête périlleuse et désespérée du plaisir multiforme alors que l'amour simple et tendre est là , si près de nous? La rencontre d'un petit mec gorgé de vitalité et sensuel comme un chat sera le début d'une nouvelle et tendre liaison.

Full Exposure Full Exposure Full Exposure Full Exposure Full Exposure Full Exposure
The Cult of Eros is the last film shot bu Jean Daniel Cadinot Two young French students leave...

The Cult of Eros

Mit: Jules Jaîn, Alex Noriega, Ludovic Canot, Rudy Tchenko, Jordan Corelli, Angel Thiessen, Damien Esco, Raul Zambrano, Sebastian Lux, Raoul Khali, Hugo Fabert, Léo Marquet, Arno Morisson, Raoul Khalid

The Cult of Eros is the last film shot bu Jean Daniel Cadinot Two young French students leave North Africa to go to Spain. They arrive in Sévilla on a boat and their skipper found them an affordable place to rent. One of the students leaves the place and finds himself involved in a "trip" towards hot and sexy adventures. Eroticism and perversions will become his new way of life.

The Cult of Eros The Cult of Eros The Cult of Eros The Cult of Eros The Cult of Eros The Cult of Eros
Le Carnaval laisse aux touristes un souvenir inoubliable. La Comedia del Arte est profondément...

Le voyage à Venise

Mit: Giuseppe Velli, Frédéric Lemaire, Sydney Mckenna, Marius Sainte Rose, Jacques Auvray, Yannick Baud, Benjamin Fontenay, Claude Leveau, Anton Pirus, Djaî Kamara, Giovani Morano, Michel Juvet, Damiano Martini

Le Carnaval laisse aux touristes un souvenir inoubliable. La Comedia del Arte est profondément ancrée dans la mentalité italienne. La farce, le quiproquo, tout participe à  la confusion des sexes. Le pauvre devient riche, le vieux devient jeune. Pierrot se transforme en Colombine, Colombine en Pierrot. Tout est possible. Tout est permis. Une famille française débarque dans cette farce. Julien, le jeune fils, échappe à  l'étau maternel et se lance à  l'aventure, dans le maelstrà¶m multicolore. A la recherche d'un amour naissant, qui sait! Le Carnaval imprègne les acteurs de cette fable. Don Juan vit en Roméo Le Chat Botté, son ami Silvio est le félon. Le Baron Mosca, oncle de Roméo mène le bal. Apprenant les sentiments du jeune français pour son neveu qui se marie dans quelques jours, cet aristocrate décadent et pervers fera en sorte de briser cette alliance féminine qu'il exècre. Son machiavélisme verra son aboutissement au cours dune soirée orgiaque qu'il donne dans son palais somptueux. Une histoire prenante, faite de drame et de comédie, dans une ville en délire. Vous croyiez tout connaître du style Cadinot! Alors, découvrez Le Voyage a Venise: un feu d'artifice de surprises et d'émerveillements extraordinaires, le décor reconstituant le palais du Baron et la beauté des costumes fantasques. Vous serez transportés à  travers les rues vénitiennes, de restaurants typiques en crypte mystique, captivé par cette intrigue soigneusement élaborée.

Le voyage à  Venise Le voyage à  Venise Le voyage à  Venise Le voyage à  Venise Le voyage à  Venise Le voyage à  Venise
Is it better to dream your life or live your dream? Eric is a dreamer. He dreams of thugs in...

Corps d'Elite

Mit: Gilles Barthelemy, Friedrich Saxe, Nicolas Taîeb, Xavier Laurent, Alexandre Parrys, David Bauman, Léopold Mathias, Eric Vespucci, Giani Ascoli

Is it better to dream your life or live your dream? Eric is a dreamer. He dreams of thugs in leather jackets with their cocks out, giving him a hard time. Eric likes muscles in action - they get him horny until he shoots in his hand. What about doing it instead of dreaming it? He lets himself go and his fantasy becomes Corps d'élite! He gets stopped and is kept under surveillance. He's carefully searched by the perverts of the regiment. Where's the line between reality and fiction? Past, fantasy, dreams and humour - all mixed up! It's up to you to see clearly into Eric Vespucci's life!

Corps d'Elite Corps d'Elite Corps d'Elite Corps d'Elite Corps d'Elite Corps d'Elite
Service Actif 2 starts just where Service Actif left off. Gilles Barthemely wails from jail,...

Service Actif 2

Mit: Gilles Barthelemy, Lionel Chambon, Manuel Alveiro, Jean-François Beaufort, Serge Charnay, Marco Tazzio, Patrick Rameau, Salvador Merida, Jean-René Benoit, Florent Charpentier, Elyes Ardini, Lu Hang, Jérôme Terrade, Frédéric Laroche, Arnaud du Poncel, Jocelyn Charroux

Service Actif 2 starts just where Service Actif left off. Gilles Barthemely wails from jail, "Let me out!" From NCOs to privates, everyone in the platoon shares the misfortune of being a really vile corporal. From the three incarcerated guys fucking each other behind bars, to the safe haven of the infirmery where the doctor pays particular attention to those members most in need. Between the corporal's abuse of authority and the frenzied kitchens where cock and crack are the seasonings for a particularly spicy soup. And not forgetting the quartermaster sergeant who takes advantage of the nude recruits to take some unsual measurements. At least their uniforms will be the right size!

Service Actif 2 Service Actif 2 Service Actif 2 Service Actif 2 Service Actif 2 Service Actif 2
An enthralling road movie all over France An abandoned factory, lay-bys and small country roads...

Street Boyz

Mit: Antoine Mory, Mathias Torello, Rodolphe Vernier

An enthralling road movie all over France An abandoned factory, lay-bys and small country roads set the scene for Russian tourist Youri's first journey through France, just arrived in Paris. His meeting with a soldier, who celebrates his recent demob with an athletic identity check, takes us on a strange adventure where squatters, workmen, policemen and foreign holidaymakers take on expert rôles, introducing them to some very specialised and extraordinary local delicacies. A collection of powerful weapons hit the spot under the Cadinot's direction.

Street Boyz Street Boyz Street Boyz Street Boyz Street Boyz Street Boyz
Talk about fashion and you talk about international top models with all their charm and perfect...


Mit: Michael Lucas, Antoine Mallet, Alexandre Vergeau, Fernando Leone, Julien Beauchamps, Quentin Dornonville, Farid Benali, Marco Ferre, Kurt Grà¼nberg, Julius Rodweiller, Benjamin Burgit, John Stranger, Giuseppe Velli, Anthony Baileys, Ramzes Kairoff, Michel Favre

Talk about fashion and you talk about international top models with all their charm and perfect looks. For Press Book, Cadinot needed to find actors whose looks rivalled those of the boys in the top ads. After a rigorous casting, the team was composed of sumptuous young males from Russia, Germany, Belgium, the USA, Italy, Tunisia, Mexico - and of course France! (We have cute babes too, huh?) Cadinot gives us a microscopic view of this intriguing and nihilistic world of fashion. The world of a model agency, its clients, models and photographers. Professional intrigue and romance, glamour, extroversion and desire... all are kings here. Really, though, Press Book is a furnace where you will be drenched... with sweat, cum and tears of joy! A fine vintage, a fine Cadinot. An event.

Pressbook Pressbook Pressbook Pressbook Pressbook Pressbook
As per usual, Cadinot sees our universe differently. Making things happen, having the audacity...

C'est La Vie !

Mit: Antoine Mallet, Esteban Pires, Jérôme Galfion, Fabian Nexman, Quentin Sullivan, Marc Montevrin, Arnaud Demonge, Romain Vandeveld, Yannis Grathos, Marco Parelli, Cédric Armin, Mirko Zanelli, Rodolphe Vacano

As per usual, Cadinot sees our universe differently. Making things happen, having the audacity to obtain what one wants or who one desires: c'est la vie! Letting oneself be carried by the general motion and voluntarily submitting oneself to the desires of others: c'est la vie! Creating a future by breaking a past choice: c'est la vie! Stopping everything and taking time to take and give intense pleasure to two or three people wherever one happens to be: c'est la vie! In a city, the young man, a married workman, a librarian, a nurse, a clerk - each in turn come up against the reality of existence! Let yourself be penetrated! It's our life! This film takes you even further than "Double en Jeu".

C'est La Vie ! C'est La Vie ! C'est La Vie ! C'est La Vie ! C'est La Vie ! C'est La Vie !
Life is fast and furious! Everything is doubly intense! Even Antoine Mallet's cock has doubled...

Double En Jeu

Mit: Marco Parelli, Ruan del Montes, Sydney Mckenna, Constantyn Fvister

Life is fast and furious! Everything is doubly intense! Even Antoine Mallet's cock has doubled since Pressbook! His 24cm are to be found amongst the secret meetings in the cellars, car parks, deserted offices and warehouses. Everybody cheats. Who's betraying who? They keep their games secret so as to keep them alive! It's a viscious circle. After SOS and Safari City, Cadinot releases the third part of his trilogy. Never before has he shown the relationships between guys with such force and passion.

Double En Jeu Double En Jeu Double En Jeu Double En Jeu Double En Jeu Double En Jeu
The Insatiable misses nobody; he loves everyone, but refuses to give in to the limits of his...


Mit: Lucien Lebrun, Antoine de Mezieres, Rodolphe Vernier

The Insatiable misses nobody; he loves everyone, but refuses to give in to the limits of his possessive boyfriend. In streets, squares, discos or backrooms, with two, three, four or five others, he fulfils his needs with the gorgeous guys who cross his path. 15 cute, well-hung guys are the real heroes : violence, passion, emotion, tenderness, splashes of realism. From perverted and athletics angles, Cadinot shows us explosive double penetrations and fiery couplings and reaches new heights of natural realism. He rarely reaches this summit of pleasure. More real than amateur cinema, this is real cinema ... to the point of being extreme.

L'insatiable L'insatiable L'insatiable L'insatiable L'insatiable L'insatiable
In a building that's being done up, a young apprentice leaves the makeshift dormitory discreetly...

Working Men

Mit: Frédéric Lemaire, Farid Zenogin, Michel Lenne, William Delem

In a building that's being done up, a young apprentice leaves the makeshift dormitory discreetly so as not to be surprised by his colleagues whilst tending to a tititlating and pressing need. The bathroom is the ideal place for him to be able to let his erotic imagination run wild. A spade handle and a shower pipe are excellent companions during his solitude! Woken by some strange noises, one of the workmen surprises him! Let some Cadinot workmen tend to your plumbing!

Working Men Working Men Working Men Working Men Working Men Working Men
When you're 18 years old, where do you have to go to be able to fuck in peace? The answer: a...

Escalier De Service

Mit: Elyes Ardini

When you're 18 years old, where do you have to go to be able to fuck in peace? The answer: a service staircase, the ideal place to spice up the excitement! But be careful: wet paint! Pre-occupied by their fucking, the two teenagers haven't noticed that above them, two young painters lay down their brushes to take care of their own rollers for the first coat! A tarpaulin over the stairs, overalls round their ankles ... they fuck on every floor. What a job; a staircase of services rendered !

Escalier De Service Escalier De Service Escalier De Service Escalier De Service Escalier De Service Escalier De Service
Dimitri is 22, loves Britney and is going to marry her. But sadly, he'd not counted on precious...


Mit: Gabriel de Ronac, Kevin Lambert, Benjamin Celex, Matheo di Giorgio, Dimitri Markovich, Benoît Duchamps, Josh Argos, Vladimir Vostock, Taîs Morgan

Dimitri is 22, loves Britney and is going to marry her. But sadly, he'd not counted on precious little Matheo who unexpectedly turns his life upside-down. Trouble and passion erupt between the two and Dimitri soon discovers to his surprise that doubt and jealousy lead him on extreme adventures where his high morals are seriously called in to question. The most European Cadinot film ever! Slavic charm succumbs to Mediterranean feist, and love and sex join together to embrace all tongues.

Crescendo Crescendo Crescendo Crescendo Crescendo Crescendo
Throughout the world, cabaret is synonymous with pleasure. And in Paris? These cabaret clubs can...

Men Prefer Men

Mit: Raphaël Carter, Ralph, Lorenzo Ponti

Throughout the world, cabaret is synonymous with pleasure. And in Paris? These cabaret clubs can serve up some exceptional surprises, such as the splendid go-go boy discovering the special charme of his ample size. He pushes the limits of professionality to offer his audience a taste of his fruit just at the height of ripeness, an example followed by everyone in the audience! The frenetic scrum ends in an explosion of fruit juice! Paris is the capital of fantasy cabaret! In different places, different action. The young actor, cat-like in stature, proves to his amazed audience that his physical capabilities and flexbility defies all logic. This boy's abilities will surely force you to rewind to re-watch certain sequences! Les Hommes prefèrent Les Hommes isn't just Cadinot's personal vision of Paris - it's a documentary on its night life.

Men Prefer Men Men Prefer Men Men Prefer Men Men Prefer Men Men Prefer Men Men Prefer Men
A masseur specialising in young, fresh clients calls a sex shop for a delivery of toys when his...

Le Coursier

Mit: Gilles Barthelemy, Lionel Chambon, Assan Ariana, Jean-Jacques Elineau, Kamel Amar, Taî Bamako, Alix Shoedler, Jean-François Chambon, Guillaume Pasquier, Jean-François Ravaudet, Diego San Paolo, Driss Rachid, Daniel Brown, Benoît Charde

A masseur specialising in young, fresh clients calls a sex shop for a delivery of toys when his customers get increasingly demanding. Not sure which to choose, the courier tests them all - from the smallest to the biggest - to be able to deliver a hand-picked assortment. But Paris streets are dangerous and one jumped red light leads to an accident; the courier, his moped, and the assorted goodies in his panier get thrown everywhere. Some intensive care from the ambulance drivers ensures he's on the mend, but the moped is not so lucky. Off to the garage where the two mechanics get to work on a re-bore. Dirtied by exhaust fumes, the courier stops off at a laundrette where the customers are very friendly. Finally, the exhausted masseur gets his toys which are very welcome indeed.

Le Coursier Le Coursier Le Coursier Le Coursier Le Coursier Le Coursier